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Children mobility in Romania

Place of action: Timisoara, Romania

Period: April 2022

Overall objectives of the mobility:

Testing partner activities with students from other countries, enriching learning experiences of pupils in mobility, increasing specific competences and skills of pupils in mobility, improving the practice of accompanying teachers, developing a strong relationship between teachers, students and their families; improving relations inside the families: children and parents/other legal persons, engaging international cooperation and communication of pupils and teachers, exchanging/sharing information with other colleagues in classes for pupils and roundtables on the topics discussed in mobilities for teachers, bringing new ideas in group activities with their colleagues. 

Content of the teaching programme:

The students and teachers have participated in common activities developed in the framework of IO1 by the host organization. The school from Turkey has participated physically. The school from Italy has participated online and also shared the final products with the partners. 

The titles of the activities are:

Photos during the event

Activities description

The students and the teachers from Turley and Romania have also participated at physical activities and at many cultural visits.

The teachers have also participated at the activities, they shared experiences. 

Children mobility in Romania