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Intellectual output 2

E-learning platform and interactive therapeutic educational resources

This output refers on development of e-learning platform with role in communication/collaboration and sustaining e-learning resources for both teachers and pupils. We already developed the educational platform with the help of Moodle open source software.


The course “E-learning competencies for teachers” prepare the project partner’s teachers to use specific e-learning methods for design interactive educational content and apply Moodle resources and activities in practice. The course comprise 3 units:

– E-learning: introductory notions

– Elements of e-learning didactics (ADDIE method for e-learning development; digital storytelling technique, scenario based technique, game based technique)

– Teachers working with Moodle


Two courses dedicated to pupils, one for primary education and second for secondary education will be freely available to educational actors. 

The content of the courses will be formed by 40 interactive activities being SCORM (technical standard for e-learning) compliant and then embed to Moodle platform. Those activities will be provided as digital storytelling, interactive real-cases scenario and digital games. Those activities will be developed around a main character: a robot named Hopi which will guide children into educational issues.

Below we make available a SCORM compliant digital storytelling developed by EDUFOR partner for the “E-learning competencies for teachers” course, intended to be an concrete example and a link between storyboard and final result. 

This resource can be used in class by any teacher who access it, to develop among pupils cultural competencies together with tolerant behavior regarding different human races.