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Between 8 and 12 November 2021 it took place the first project physical mobility, a joint staff training event dedicated to teachers and trainers, named “Inclusive methods for students with risk of ESL in an offline and digital environment”. The event was hosted by partner <İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü> in Akyaka-Mugla – Turkey, an enchanting place. The event was a mixed one with physical participants and on-line learners, 30 in total.
Before physically displacement take place, the sending institution followed the Europass procedures for their students. After they return they will receive a international recognized Europass certificate specifying the obtained learning outcomes.
Additional, a memorandum of agreement between participating institutions, learning agreements with students and attendance certificates were signed before and during the event.
A map with all necessary for training session: meeting agenda, papers, pens, Covid 19 protection kit, etc. was offered by host Institution: Provincial Directorate of National Education <İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü> to participants.
Five trainers from Provincial Directorate of National Education <İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü> Turkey, CSC DANILO DOLCI – Italy and EDUFOR – Romania, teaches during 5 training days.
The main topics were: Emotion Regulation, Emotional education for early school leaving, Teaching diverse and Intercultural Groups, Bullying Prevention, Conflict Resolution and E-learning, respectively: Developing e-learning content and use Moodle platform, Design real case scenarios and games.
For more information please click on Meeting Agenda.
In the 5-th day all participants give an on-line exam and assessed the quality of the event. After that all participants traveled to Mugla city to Provincial Directorate of National Education where they received the attending certificates in a festive setting, handed over by the Director of Institution, Mr. Emre Cay.
Photos during the festive event