The project partners realized a new and innovative educational model for inclusion of pupils at risk to early school leaving, named PASSION, which will become the CORE of all project activities. It must be tested during the project through implementation in all school partners with a pilot sample of learners. After proving its impact, it supposes the model can be implemented at large scale, inside and beyond the partnership.
The PASSION model contains 7 steps:
1. Perceive
2. Act
3. Stimulate
4. Socialize
5. Individualize
6. Obtain
7. Notify
Intellectual outputs

Therapeutic educational activities for ESL
inclusiveness. Handbook for teachers.
This will comprise a collection of 79 innovative educational activities dedicated to teachers and educators from primary and secondary schools. Those will be seen as a mix therapeutic exercises embed into learner centered approach.
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E-learning platform and interactive
therapeutic educational resources.
The e-learning platform will serve as a communication tools, between relevant schools stakeholders and will host courses dedicated both to teachers and pupils. The courses will embed interactive, game-based and video instructions.
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