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Activity 10: The tree of occupations:
The activity is about making decisions related to further studies and career by capitalizing on information about self, education and occupations, about identifying occupations in different fields of activity and their benefits for the person and for society, presenting the occupations in the family and the wishes in childhood
Activity 11 – The balloon of anger:
The activity referred to adopting positive attitudes towards oneself, the development of empathy, Identifying situations that downgrade anger, exercising anger control, relaxation techniques.
Activity 12: In the mirror
The activity is about increasing self-confidence and exercising the ability to mimic-gestural analysis, practicing empathy, the awareness of one’s own by identifying positive personal characteristics and recognizing the positive attributes of other colleagues.
Activity 13: Little painter
The activity is about identifiying mother’s character traits, expressing the opinions about the finished products, free expression of emotions through plastic compositions.
Activity 14 – Reporter for a day
The teacher focused in this activity on identifying the elements of effective communication in the real and virtual environment.
The techniques used were the interview, presentation, conversation, debate, exercise, exemplification.
Activity 15: My favourite book
The activity focused on identifying the value of books, the students learned about the multitude of people / trades involved in making a book and found out about the rules for keeping a book
Activity 16: Attention
Through this activity, the attention and the concentration skills of the students have been stimulated, their social skills and the ability to associate / differentiate certain visual elements have been developed.
Activity 17 – Release the creativity
The didactic game provides a suitable framework for active, participatory learning, by stimulating the initiative and creativity of the student. The game which has been played, created the context according to the development of the student’s creativity and empathy.
Activity 18: Emotions drawn on the floor
The didactic game and the drawing allowed the students to exercise their creativity in various contexts, to access new personal resources and develop an efficient management of emotions.
Activity 7: The Drama Workshop
This activity is an indoor activity. It is about socio-emotional development and creativity development through group therapy method. The main target with this activity is to increase students’ social skills by creatively solving peer conflicts.
During the activity, the students are given voice exercises, interpretation, animation, improvisation, staging to contribute to their emotional development and creativity.
Activity 8: The Mirror
This activity can be implemented as both an indoor and outdoor activity.
It is aimed to increase the confidence of the students in their own strengths and to make gesture-mimic analysis by using dance and play therapy. The main target is to provide self-awareness by recognizing the positive characteristics of their peers.
At the end of the activity, the teacher aimed to raise awareness about self-esteem by asking the students questions about their feelings during compliments and accepting compliments.
Activity 9: A Story, 2 Versions
By using ludotherapy and play therapy during the activity, it was aimed to raise the awareness of the students to increase their social skills by resolving a conflict in a positive way after knowing both variables of the conflicts.
Activity 10: Puzzle of Emotions
During the activity, occupational therapy and group therapy and collaborative learning-based methods were used.
With this activity, it is aimed to develop students’ intuitive and creative capacities, increase their self-esteem, and contribute to the development of their cognitive gains and motor skills.
Activity 11: Body and Emotions
By using the “Psychosomatic Method” in the “Body and Emotions” activity, it is aimed to give students more chances to develop sufficient competencies to express emotions.
Not being able to recognize and overcome emotions can cause diseases such as headache, gastritis and colitis, mental anorexia and hepatic diseases.
Starting an appropriate “Psychosomatic Education” at a young age will help students develop their competence to display their emotions without sacrificing organs or parts.
Activity 12: Collage of Emotions
In the “Emotion Collage” activity, it is aimed to disseminate group work and communicate by creating collages in small teams using the “Psychosomatic Method”.
Starting an appropriate “psychosomatic education” at a young age will give students more chances to develop their competence to display their emotions.
Activity 7: Religious Stereotypes
After asking the class about the knowledge the students have about different religions, the teacher shows them a video about the main principles of five religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islamism. Then
the teacher divides the students in five groups in order to see what they remember of the five religions presented in the video. As only the group who talks about Christianity seems to remember everything about it the teacher elicits a debate concerning the need to know more about the religions which are different from ours in order to learn to be more tolerantand open towards other cultures and beliefs.
Activity 8: The colors of emotions
After watching a video in English about a wide range of emotions, performed through the use of emoticons, the teacher asks the students to use different colors to associate with the emotions presented in the video. Then students can compare their choice and notice that they choose different colors to describe emotions. The teacher therefore raises a debate on the different way of expressing and coping with emotions.
Activity 9: The puzzle of emotions
After watching six emotions performed by the characters of the famous motion picture “Inside Out” the students are asked to recognize the different emotions, then the teacher asks them to cut from newspapers and magazines different expressions of the five emotions presented. They can realize a collage or a puzzle with everything they think can express anger, sadness, disgust, happiness and fear and then explain to the class their choice. A debate about the different perceptions of the same picture will end the activity. The students realize that it is very difficult to understand the real mood of someone else and it would be better to ask about other people’s moods.
Activity 10: Gender stereotypes
The activity begins with a debate by asking students to talk about gender stereotypes and to identify some of them based on their own experiences. The teacher shows the students several videos on the dangers of gender stereotypes and then asks the class to express their points of view starting from the different inputs activated by the short videos.
Activity 11: Gender based violence among teenagers
The teacher shows the students different videos about gender-based violence through language and then asks the class to express their thoughts and reactions about the situations performed in the video.
Then the teacher asks the students if they want to talk about their experience as victims, persecutors of bystanders in situation of GBV.Finally the teacher asks the students to work in small groups to create a poster to contrast GBV. They can find an image, a headline or both.
Activity 12: Associations of Jobs and Gender
The teacher separates the students in groups of four and give them one profession to describe in terms of name, gender, where they work and what they do every day then they present their person and try to guess who among the other students has described the same profession. After that the teacher asks the students some questions inroads to arise awareness about gender stereotypes which may influence our ideas, skills, competences, professions women and man can or can’t do.
Activity 7: 3 features
Activity 8 : Creative drama
Activity 9: Emotion wall
Activity 10: Mirrors
Activity 11 : Social competences made by games
Activity 12: The tribes